The rubber sheet wears out quickly and is not resistant to heat. Solve this way.
Currently, there are many grades of rubber sheets for you to choose from. but do you know Not all rubber sheets are suitable for applications that require high heat resistance and continuous use for a long time, where the heat resistance of rubber sheets depends on the type of rubber and the formulation of popular rubber sheets. The most used for heat resistance is the silicone rubber sheet group. and must be a Firebrick silicone rubber sheet with the ability to withstand high temperatures +270°C only
Why is it only this grade? because in the general market that is generally sold There are 2 types of Firebrick silicone rubber sheet.
Type 1 Firebrick Silicone Rubber Sheet Use the method of adding color only. resulting in the ability to withstand heat It's no different from a white silicone rubber sheet at all. which can only withstand high heat 220°C only
Type 2 Firebrick Silicone Rubber Sheet with the addition of Heat Stabilizer which is a chemical that helps to improve the properties of silicone rubber sheet to be more heat resistant Can withstand heat up to +270°C
Therefore ! If you want to use the rubber sheet in applications that require high heat resistance. Emphasis on continuous use Choose Firebrick silicone rubber sheet, grade with added Heat Stabilizer and must be confirmed by the supplier or have supporting documents that the silicone rubber sheet has high heat resistance at the level. +270°C You can be confident and choose it because you can't see it with the naked eye or touch.
It is important to choose a rubber sheet that is suitable for use. help you reduce costs do not need to change often Help reduce waste rubber products. and help reduce global warming
If you are interested in high temperature resistant rubber sheet products. You can ask for more information with the brand. Hypersheet
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