What is the difference between NBR rubber sheet and CR rubber sheet (Neoprene Rubber Sheet)?
NBR Rubber Sheet
NBR rubber sheet is a rubber sheet produced from synthetic rubber raw materials NBR or Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber, also known as Tril tires It is a very high polar rubber. This makes it very outstanding in resistance to petroleum oils. Best for fuels, vegetable oils, animal oils, as well as non-polar solutions. Resistant to gas permeation, abrasion resistant Operating temperature range -35 to +120°C
CR Rubber Sheet OR Neoprene Rubber Sheet OR Chloroprene Rubber Sheet
CR rubber sheet or neoprene rubber sheet (Neoprene) or chloroprene rubber sheet Is a rubber sheet that is produced from synthetic rubber raw materials CR rubber or Chloroprene Rubber or Neoprene is a rubber that has a polarity (but the polarity level is weaker than NBR rubber), resulting in the sheet CR tire or neoprene rubber sheet (Neoprene) or chloroprene rubber sheet can withstand moderate oil. It can also be resistant to chemicals. provide good mechanical properties Resistant to deterioration similar to that of NBR rubber sheet And that's more special than CR rubber pads. or neoprene rubber sheet (Neoprene) or chloroprene rubber sheet Higher fire resistance than general rubber sheets. Operating temperature range -40 to +140°C
Therefore, it is taken as a summary of the selection of rubber sheet for use as follows.
Choose NBR rubber sheet : For use as oil resistant seals/gaskets Rubber pads that must be touched or soaked in oil, wear resistant and used in general environments where the operating temperature does not exceed -35 to +120°C
Choose CR rubber sheet. or neoprene rubber sheet (Neoprene) or chloroprene rubber sheet : Seal Gasket/Pad Engineering or work that emphasizes mechanical properties, strength, wear resistance, tear resistance, chemical resistance medium oil environment resistant
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