How to use Premium Anti-Fatigue Mats HyperSheet


How to use Premium Anti-Fatigue Mats HyperSheet

How to use Premium Anti-Fatigue Mats HyperSheet

  1. The installation area should have a temperature not exceeding 30°C.
  2. Clean the area before installation.
  3. Place a premium anti-fatigue sheet with a diamond pattern on top.
  4. Put a premium anti-fatigue sheet. Keep 2 inches away from the installed edge to reduce the chance of your foot stepping off the premium anti-fatigue mat while working standing.
  5. Work on the premium anti-fatigue pads for comfort and enjoyment.
  6. Standing at work, preventing fatigue and increase work efficiency




If you are looking for Premium Anti-Fatigue Mats that meet your needs for your industrial plants. Ask for more information at the brand HyperSheet
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HyperSheet by Polytech Industry Company Limited

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