Polytech Industry Co., Ltd. donated 80,000 baht to various foundations "Covid-19 epidemic situation in 2021"


Polytech Industry Co., Ltd. donated 80,000 baht to various foundations "Covid-19 epidemic situation in 2021"

Due to the situation of the epidemic of Covid-19 in 2021, this is not the end. Polytech Industry Co., Ltd. We are concerned about the situation of the epidemic of Covid-19. Therefore, I would like to be a part of taking care of society. To make Thailand through this disaster by donating work through various foundations, amounting to 80,000 baht, donated to prevent and help the Covid-19 epidemic project. so that we can get through this crisis together again Ramathibodi Foundation and Phat Maharajanusorn Foundation in the patronage Chulabhorn Hospital
Polytech Industry Co., Ltd. Affiliated Company And all staff would like to send encouragement to the medical team, nurses, staff and everyone going through this crisis together.

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